COVID-19. Coronavirus. Can any of us stop thinking about it for more than a minute? It’s affecting us all to varying degrees. For those of you with businesses, the uncertainty surrounding this pandemic is daunting and I, admittedly, am feeling it too. Events are being cancelled left and right. Scopes of business relationships are changing daily, sometimes by the hour. If you find yourself wondering about the impacts of COVID-19 on your contracts, your force majeure clause in particular, please take 5 and read this post.

Ever been curious about how you can show up in your business and make more of a difference? Benefit companies could be your ticket since the benefit company model allows a business to prioritize both profit and purpose. In this post, we’ll explore benefit corporations, social purpose corporations, and B corporations. This post (Pt. 1) is designed to help you keep the lingo straight. Pt. 2 will dive into the logistics of setting up a benefit corporation and social purpose corporation and applying for B corp certification.